How Do You Make Long Car Rides More Enjoyable for Kids?

Long car rides are enjoyable, and best for all ages. Especially for young kids, because they can do many things there.

Long car rides for kids can make them happy. Also, this is a way where parents to make their bond stronger with their kids, get to see them more closely, and spend quality time with their kids.

But along with the positive aspects, there are some negative aspects as well, like how long rides sometimes become a headache for kids and parents, as they must spend a long time in a car.

In this situation, kids act like barrels of monkeys. Even if your kids are good at car rides but long rides make them irritated, bored, and uncomfortable. This kind of situation makes everyone feel upset, and all your plans are gone in vain.

So what you need to do here is keep your kids busy. This is the only way to make your long ride happy and enjoyable for everyone.

Now if you think about how to make your kids occupied on a long car ride, then here is the solution.

In this article, I will suggest some ideas on how to make your long rides enjoyable for your kids.

Tips to Make Enjoyable Car Rides for Kids

Kids easily get bored, then they turn irritated and frustrated. An irritable kid can make a whole journey boring and bother everyone.

When planning a lengthy ride, it is recommended to adhere to the following guidelines to effectively manage your children.

Pack snacks

Kids are most irritated when they are hungry. On a long ride, they get easily bored and irritated, so to avoid this situation, you can pack some of your kid’s favourite snacks.

Eating is a fun activity for kids when they find their favourite snacks. So treating them to their favourite snack can be one of their favourite activities throughout the journey.

But remember, when you pack your children’s favourite snacks, try to avoid junk foods and instead make them treat themselves to healthy, homemade snacks.

So they can enjoy their trip and be happy. Snacks like different fruits, Nutella, veggie sticks, granola bars, cakes made at home, dried fruits, and a small amount of chocolate.

Limited Screen Time

Screen time is never suggested for children, but during a long car ride, I know that children become bored easily. So to avoid boredom, parents go for the easier option, which is to introduce them to screens to make them calm.

But that is, this is not a good option. Excessive screen time can hamper their mood, and when you try to take away the screens, they become more irritated.

In this case, I always recommend that parents limit screen time and try natural things, like playing different games, to talk to them so they do not opt for screens.

To make screen time less for your kids, you also need to limit your screen; you have to avoid seeing phones often. Kids mostly followed their parents, and when they saw that you do not use phones, they also stopped.

To make a journey happier, families need to get together and act together.

Audio Entertainment

Audio entertainment refers to listening to different audiobooks, or parents can sin-a-long with their kids. Apps like Spotify have many options for children’s audiobooks you can choose from there.

For instance, various Disney stories or fairytales are appropriate for your child. But remember, before making a watchlist of stories, it is good, but at the last moment, you do not need to worry about anything.

Furthermore, you can play sing-a-long with your kids, which is also entertaining. It involved all the family members, so no one became bored during the long rides.

Take Your Kid’s Stuffed Toy

Toys can sometimes serve as the most significant companions for your kids. They can take them wherever they go. It soothes them and makes them feel relaxed.

So when you plan for a long journey, try to take your kid’s favourite stuffed toys with you. Stuffed toys make them busy, and they play a crucial role throughout the journey.

Stuffed toys, or plushies are very close to every kid’s heart. They have their dearest of, which they always keep always with them. This can be the key to a happy long road trip.

On a long journey where there is nothing to do except sit in the car kids get irritated, but when they have their favourite plushie with them that gives them some relief. 

Road Trip Games

Are you looking for something interesting to do with your kids on a long ride? Then there is the idea that you can play different long-ride games, that can keep both you and your kids busy.

There are many such games out there that you can play with your kids. Games make any kid happier. And they do not get bored. Car games can be both educational and interactive for your kids.

Easy car games that your kids can play, like telling them to read the billboards or road signs, will keep them busy. Another easy game to play is the rhyme game, where one says any word and kids need to say a rhyme out of that word.

Games can keep children busy for a long time, and they also make family bonds stronger.

Apart from the above-mentioned games, you can also play games like the Find the Colour game, where you can name a particular colour and your kids will find it on the road. In an alphabet game where you utter a letter, your child will say a word that starts with that alphabet.

Carry Some Books

Books are always an intellectual option for road trips. If you have a toddler, then carry some age-appropriate indestructible books that your kid will love. Also, if you have older children, you can carry their favourite books on your journey.

So they can spend their time in the car gaining knowledge. This method also helps build a reading habit in your kids. You pick up the books when you plan for long rides.

Art & Craft

Another interesting way to keep your kids busy on long rides is to carry arts and crafts travel kits for them. It also distracts them from the screen as well.

Kids love art and crafts; they love to play with colours, so you can carry some coloured pencils and a drawing book.

These things keep them entertained and calm. There is a good deal of different travel kits of arts and crafts found in the market, you can choose from a wide range. But if you want the minimum mess, then it is suggested to avoid glitter types of crafting items.


From boring silence to a fun ride, make your rides enjoyable with storytelling sessions. Kids love to listen to adventure or fairytale stories.

This makes them attentive and happy as well. Therefore, you can share their favourite tale during the journey, which keeps them occupied and entertained. At the end of every story, take a pause and let the kids fill in the blanks with their imagination.


Travelling with kids of younger age is always challenging for parents. No matter what you do, it is still difficult. As parents, you want them to discover many things, and long drives are the most affordable and good idea.

So don’t just stop yourself from taking on challenges, your small move can make your children grow better.